Dr. Warter

Before I was socialized into our contemporary belief system, I thought that healing was a process that occurred by grace and invisibility. I thought that I could go outside of my body, see a person who was suffering, apply some touch in an invisible manner and return to my body. All kids think many things that are not so logical for adults, yet that vision stayed with me for many years. I wanted to be in a place, project myself, heal, come back and smile–smile in the joy that a contribution had been made invisibly. It was sort of a secret service.

I decided that a way to serve would be to study medicine. So I went to medical school and into sciences and technology. Of course I found very little humanism there, much less a sense of spirit or God.

Later I studied with a teacher named Idries Shah and he told me, “You learn to use a past birth in the land of fools.” In the Sufi tradition, the fools are the sub-personalities or the aspects of ourselves that, through a function or an activity, we end up identifying with. We forget our true essence and our true self.

I thought that studying psychiatry–since psyche means soul–would be a way to understand what was going on. But not even psychiatry concerns itself with the soul.

Before he died, my grandfather validated something in me that has informed my work through my whole life. He was a great healer, and he validated that who we are is not the body, or the history, or the mind. Nor is it our feelings, or what we’re doing. It’s not our worries, it’s not even our joys. It’s something more stable. It is the soul.

I found out that the soul is the source of healing, and it is also the doorway to an invisible school of learning about the real purpose of what we’re doing on the planet. And I don’t mean as separate individuals, but as a collective humanity.

When my grandfather died, he appeared to me in a vision and he said, “Don’t worry. We’re forever. We’re safe.” He validated me in an eternal understanding. Straight away, I wrote a letter to some uncles and I told them, “Don’t worry, grandpa is alive at the other side.” And these uncles invited me over to tell them about it. So I was fortunate to get positive feedback for experiencing the other side.

I meet so many people who have a powerful experience of transcendence, whether through love, or friendship, or by any circumstance. But they give it away because it is not socially fashionable.

Having said that, I believe we are in a time where the veil is thinning. And we are being asked to become full human beings. I’m talking about bringing together the sacred part in the depths of ourselves. There is a society of souls that is emerging as a possibility for mass salvation. And I don’t mean salvation in an esoteric sense, I mean it as wholeness, as sanity. The separation between the perception of the child and the adult which wants to be socially accepted is costing us the fragmentation of our consciousness.

About twenty years ago, I was in my psychiatric residency in Chile and I met a woman who was talking to angels. The angels told her that political unrest was going to happen. The medical establishment gave her sixteen electroshocks and she didn’t speak anymore. I’ll never forget her. Today we would call it channeling or knowing, but the social consciousness of the time was completely punitive so they fried her brain. In 1993, she might have been on the cover of Time Magazine.

We are at a crossroads in humanity now. We will either claim the synthesis and the synergy of all spiritual traditions and remember our divinity. Or, we will become passwords on the Internet and be totally subjected to the information revolution. The Internet is wonderful, but it is not optimum. For thousands of years, certain pieces of information have been withheld, but we still have to live it. We have to become it before we move on.

Falling in love is an initiation into the ultimate capacity of self-generation that is almost biochemical. If I want to leave you with anything, it’s that love shifts our identity from being a third-dimensional entity to the hyperspace of operating in many dimensions simultaneously. Most spiritual traditions have pointed to this as the beginning of the true spiritual path.

In a hospital twenty five years ago I realized we were living in a world of words just defining each other, in terms of judgment or diagnosis. This continuity of labeling, of defining another human being without really seeing that he or she is a unique expression of divinity, is not conducive to healing. I decided to just sit with my patients and I found that when they got enough attention, they healed.

It wasn’t my attention that healed them but the recovery of their own inner source of attention which had been divided into false identities made up of words. I decided to find out if this was so for other people, so I spent time with shamans and Sufi teachers, and I opened myself up to a journey. As a medical doctor I knew how to prescribe and diagnose, but I didn’t know that in healing there is a unique expression of divinity.

For seven years I bounced around the planet. And something had shifted. It wasn’t just the experience of love. Something had propelled me on a path of miracles that was ordinary life.

When we finally conclude that we are soul – and soul is forever – we embark on a process of assisting each other to construct a world that is respectful of the uniqueness of all. We’re not the same. Each one has an evolutionary line of spiritualizing matter.

To go about activating spiritual awareness in my work, I have set-up an environment which I call intensive inner work. It can take a week or it can be an ongoing process. The first thing to happen is that one becomes consciously more familiarized. The act of discovering what you truly are is not an intellectual process, it is a process of diving into an ocean that dissolves the false identity. And it leaves the whole solution of who you are which is true and forever.

Inner work is really something that is not for oneself, but for all. It is an activity in which you take an inner vow of service to those you encounter in life. When I was working in South America, I noticed that the people taking my workshops were obviously those who could afford it. So I created a foundation called “The Drop of Honey” where people who had done workshops could go into orphanages, prisons and nursing homes and transfer energetically what they had learned.

Over a period of about five years, we worked in eight countries, going into orphanages, working at being present, activating the soul identity. Not activating the soul, but the identity of the soul. We worked with young “orphans” who ultimately realized they were eternal beings expressing a condition in which they could learn something. They learned to go to nursing homes and other orphanages to wake up people. More than 300,000 people got affected in four years in a wave of sharing presence. That was inner work. For me, for them and for the participants and the receptors.

We were stopped by the military dictatorships who thought we had political aspirations. As soon as the social service is threatened with redundancy, what happens? They stop us. But we moved to another place and continued to work.

Your soul, and what you are is a unit. When that unit is realized consciously, there is a synergy of purpose. It is not personal, but trans-personal, because it has very little to do with taste, or aspirations, or anything like that. It has to do with breathing together, in the next instance of existence, as a whole.

Maybe we’ll become so accelerated through light into other dimensions of being that this work will finally be considered like playing in a sandbox. But we’re not going to be accelerated if we do not take care of our holiness, of our health, and our totality. I can meditate, you can meditate. Both of us can experience bliss, but what about the woman sitting next to me? Is it my business? Absolutely. I live in the same dimension with her and she lives in other dimensions with me. If she’s not aware of that, then we are missing the encounter at the highest level of possibility.

It’s even more important to remember the source of ourselves than our past lives. I know there’s a lot of attention on past lives today, and it’s because there has been so much suppression. It’s an antidote for the sin that nobody has spoken about these things for a thousand years. Now everybody speaks about past lives.

A few years ago I spent time with the Dalai Lama and I asked him if he remembered his previous edition – currently he’s in the 14th edition of himself. He said, “When I was small I would have visions, but now I’m too busy!” He’s so busy being present with the totality of being that the anecdote of what happened before he came into this world is not so relevant.

The essence present in a past life is represented as the same essence in this one. We have gone through an awareness expansion–everybody’s aware, everybody’s nosing around everything. There’s some accident in Somalia, and we’re on CNN nosing around, becoming aware. But the next step is becoming aware of the essence that is substantially eternal in us. We already explored that there is life on the planet and outside of the planet. Now, how about exploring if there’s life inside?

Having an awareness of the fifth dimension makes you live your life there. We are more than a holy trinity, we are a quintessence. Yet through thousands of years of theocratic suppression, the most we have acquired in our understanding is about trinity. It’s terribly wrong when we think that all we are is matter. We have materialized the identity of the soul and that makes us deal with social circumstances in the most brutal way. When we’re building more prisons to contain unmanageable people, I wonder if this is the planet of the apes or planet ape. Clearly there needs to be a more responsible activation of ourselves.

Sixty seven percent of America believes that there are angels in communication with us. During the so-called Dark Ages, everyone had contact with angels. But later we had to learn to master matter–and we had ten thousand years of an agricultural world, then two hundred years of an industrial world. Now we have to reach a point in which the advantages of the industrial and the information revolution are being gained by everybody. What is more, such gains have to be through spiritualization of the planet.

I think that everything that is happening with the technology of communication is about building the nervous system of the planet. What is more impressive in this part of the 20th Century than the information networks? But, what are we putting on the networks? Rubbish!

There are two kinds of language: transactional language and inspirational language that is used in prayer and silence. If you are happy, you can vibrate your pleasure for those who are unhappy. When you live your life in dedication, your heart opens up to a point where you enter a process of devotion. Your determination and your consecration grows. And it doesn’t grow separate from mine because we’re in one force-field. We are all together, and we can transmute it for all those who are suffering.

Last summer, my wife almost died in childbirth, our baby was premature and I didn’t have medical insurance. I had to drive all over because there are no medical services where I live and my car got flat tires! I was in physical discomfort and emotional discomfort and mental discomfort. Yet I was in bliss. My bliss body’s always in bliss. A friend who assisted with all this told me “We majestic beings, are working as physicians by the grace of the almighty totality of the system, in full power and knowledge and information, and on the salvation of the third-dimensional manifestation called the body of your wife.” A different language, takes you to a different place. At the same time I was heartbroken I was also in bliss.

It’s true that some people need to be corrected. They can be corrected synergetically with medicines, with homeopathy, with therapy, with listening or with screaming at them. If you’re not attached to being a third-dimensional entity, you can use anything in the third dimension. You can use acupuncture plus Prozac. Yet everything is to be used with certain discernment in case it creates a new identity. It’s all a matter of an identity.

Let me address identity and country. The purpose of nation-states is for trade. Some countries have suns and some countries have moons, some countries have bananas and some countries have fruits. I asked various people at the U.N., “Countries trade through the computer and instantaneously decide on the price of the exchange and the delivery, so why do we still have a need for a separate identity?” We’re stuck to a false identity. whether it be on a religious, or personal, or a professional basis. We are eternal beings, and one day we will create the conditions for a society of souls.

Some of us have meditative fourth-dimensional experiences which makes us believe we’re very special. We try to bring it back here and we cause a religious war. The truth is we need to become a unit which is neither third-dimensional or fourth-dimensional.

This is not just esoteric. Physicists today have defined, through super-strength theory, a ten-dimensional universe. I don’t know what the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth dimensions look like, but I have a very clear grasp of what the fifth dimensional reality is and it has nothing to do with surviving. We have to wake everybody up so that we can all see that we have it made. The more we fight for survival, the less survival there is because we end up creating a stressful and distressing life.

In my training with the Sufis I learned how to de-program addiction from false identity. There are very specific spiritual exercises, which help you recognize for yourself what is false and what is true. Somebody else cannot tell you. Then you have to reinforce what is true. Years ago people would go to EST seminars to be destructured but would come out psychotic because there was no nourishment for their personal truth. It’s a matter of shaking oneself up and destroying the notions about yourself from the inside.

What is false is really what is not present. In the mind of someone who had something happen this morning–it might have had a pleasurable or a painful effect — is the memory of that event at a later moment. The problem is that the individual is still stuck in that experience. At the time it was true but now it is false. For example, yesterday I was with Louise Hay and we did some gardening together. If I left her house and came here today convinced that I’m still a gardener–even while I’m doing something else–then I am stuck in my identification with that past experience. And I end up defending my identity, even though to you it may be obvious it’s false.

If I have no place for my true inner reality, I will kill for that identification. What do you think wars are? My children challenge me every day not to treat them as the babies they once were and I have to shift, constantly. In five and a half years, my child had never had a haircut but then she decided she wanted one. She looked beautiful with her long hair, like Lady Godiva. But boom, I had to let go. She is a girl that makes her own choices.

There has to be a reinforcement of the essence. Modern therapy works on cutting away the dysfunction in us, but true healing needs to reinforce that which is authentic as well.

Imagine what would have happened if as a baby you were told, “You are an eternal being here to experience absolute love and to affect your environment through the giving of your powerful resources,” instead of, “Hey, you are French and you better behave”?

It is a shift.

And the doorway – which is love – is the beginning of the journey.

– Carlos Warter, M.D.


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