Dr. Warter maintains active medical society memberships in leading medical societies, contributing to the advancement of psychiatric care and integrative medicine through professional collaboration. His involvement in these prestigious organizations reflects his commitment to staying at the forefront of medical innovation while upholding the highest standards of patient care. Below is a comprehensive list of Dr. Warter’s current medical society affiliations and professional memberships.
American Associations
- Member of American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and American Psychological Association
- American Academy of Pain Management
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Association of Addiction Psychiatry
- American Association Advancement of Science,
- American Board of Psychiatric Medicine
- American Board of Family Practice 1977-1994
- American College of Preventive Medicine
- American Group Psychotherapy Association
- American Holistic Medical Association, USA.
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
- American Medical Association
- Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, USA
- Gestalt Institute of San Francisco
- International VP The Health Foundation, Ca., USA, 1985.
- Appointed by Governor Linda Lingle to the Medical Advisory Board D o T State of Hawaii
- Hawaii Medical Society (Honolulu)
- International Member American Psychiatry Association
- World Federalists Association, U.S.A.
- National Council for International Health, USA.
Chilean Medical Society
- Chilean Society of Psychiatry
- Chilean Medical Society
- Chilean Pediatrics Association
- Chilean Society of Genetics
- Chilean Writers Association
- Chilean Society of Parapsychology
- Societe Cientifique Du Chili
International Affiliations
- Institute for Cultural Research, United Kingdom.
- Honorary Member of Venezuelan Society of Acupunture 1982
- Endorser Planetary Initiative – The Hague
- Djuna Russian Academy of Sciences
- International Academy of Behavioral Medicine
- International Academy of Preventive Medicine
- Forum International Center for Integrative Studies,
- International Group Psychotherapy Association.
- Emeritus Prof at International University of Professional Studies
- Senator International Parliament for Safety & Peace( 87-92)
- Advisory Board Congress of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, 1987
- Member UNDP (United Nations Development Program), 1980
- Member Advisory Board IAEWP (Educators World Peace) – International