Dr. Warter

About Dr. Carlos Warter, MD

"Who Are We? That's The Biggest Question To Ask Oneself"

About Carlos Warter MD

Author, Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and spiritual teacher. Dr. Warter has won numerous global awards for his work including the Pax Mundi, Award and the UN Peace Messenger Award among others.  With 22 books published in six languages and translated into 9 languages, he has dedicated himself to the study of human consciousness and the integration of psychology and spirituality into a non-dualistic paradigm called psycho-synergy. For over 50 years, Dr. Warter has extensively researched the theory and application of psychedelics and medicine. His work has helped thousands of people across the globe reach a new understanding of themselves and lead happier, richer and more fulfilling lives. Dr. Warter resides in North San Diego County with his wife Carolina, where he leads seminars and workshops, has a private practice and paints. His embodiment of essential spiritual teachings allow a field of understanding to whoever is open which leads to the awakening of a spiritual path-less PATH. Instead of subscribing to a linear and left brain sequential teaching model , his teaching is based apparently on his Kabbalah and Sufi initiations plus the time he spend with Amazonian teachers partaking of their living traditions as well as having been taught personally by Idries Shah, the Dalai Lama and many others , Dr. Warter has produced a teaching that allows Essence to awaken when students are ready so that all techniques become secondary to a state of being which becomes senior to all philosophies or methods. Dr. Warter, without ever intending it, has been teaching for close to half a century utilizing technologies of the sacred and imbuing them with his spiritual signature.

“The paths to enlightenment are penned by poets, sung by troubadours, illuminated by prophets, and walked by Carlos Warter. In describing his paths, he helps us walk our own.”
- Carl A. Hammerschlag, M.D., Author of Healing Ceremonies & The Theft of the Spirit

Results You Can Expect:

  • Find out who you truly are.

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself and others in your life.

  • Whatever spiritual tradition you value will become deeper and more meaningful.

  • Access gratitude and love more easily in your daily life.

  • Personal relationships with your family will clarify and become more wholesome.

  • Business relationships will become more effective and meaningful.

  • Service to others will become a more valuable part of your life.

Self Discovery Summits